Setting the path

Setting the path


It may have been a while since you used English. If your last experience was in school, then you could probably use a refresher. English is all around—on TV, in films, and in advertising—like it or not. More importantly for you, however, English is very common in business. Some companies use English as the official language, and for employees who want to travel the world on business or advance their careers, English is a must-have.

In this unit, you will review some basic English grammar points, build your vocabulary, and start to put together your experience, qualifications, and career objectives in a way that will get you closer to a new job. More specifically, you will explore strategies to help increase and expand both general and business vocabulary, focusing on action verbs, collocations, and phrasal verbs. You’ll find a number of challenging exercises to help you focus on grammar. You will be introduced to Maria and Tomasz on their journey from being students to their first professional engagements. We will be using authentic texts, covering a general review of the English tenses, and spending time looking at vocabulary and phrasing for the building of a curriculum vitae in English.


Der Versand erfolgt in der Regel innerhalb von 3-5 Werktagen.

Versand innerhalb Deutschlands

Gewicht der Lieferung bis 0,5 kg bis 1 kg bis 30 kg
Preis für Verpackung und Versand innerhalb Deutschlands 3,60 € 4,80 € 10 €

Versand in restlichen EU-Ländern (außer Inseln)

Gewicht der Lieferung bis 2 kg
Preis für Verpackung und Versand in restlichen EU-Ländern (außer Inseln) 16 €